CNRP Asks Canada to Clarify Stance on Election

Representatives of the opposition CNRP in Canada have sent a letter to the Canadian government asking that it clarify its stance on the results of Cambodia’s national election after a former Cabinet minister took part in an international observer team that deemed the elections free and fair. Sheila Copps, who served as a Liberal Party deputy prime minister as recently as 1997, was part of a delegation from the Centrist Asia Pa­cific Democrats International, which, along with the In­ternational Con­­ference of Asian Po­litical Parties (ICAPP), was among the few groups of international ob­servers to monitor the July 28 ballot. A joint statement from the two groups, which was posted to the website of the National Election Committee (NEC), described the election as “free, fair and transparent, and, above all, peaceful, non-violent and smooth, [which] bears testimony to the fact that Cambodian democracy has not only matured, but come of age politically.” …

Colin Meyn